Free Social Media Calendar


Free Social Media Calendar Planner

Use this social media calendar to help you stay on top of important dates, regular marketing updates, and fun holidays.

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7 min. read
4 min. read

Free Email Series: Quarter Three Check-In

Use this email to check in with your farm and find out if homeowners need help with any upcoming real estate transactions.

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Free Email: For Absentee Homeowners
8 min. read

Free Email: For Absentee Homeowners

Let Corefact help you target specific groups of people based on life events and other circumstances. Here is a free email you can send to absentee homeowners.

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Free Email: For Prospects Facing Foreclosure
4 min. read

Free Email: For Prospects Facing Foreclosure

Let Corefact help you target specific groups of people based on life events and other circumstances. Here is a free email you can send to prospects facing foreclosure.

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Free Email: For Homeowners Going Through a Dissolution of Marriage
4 min. read

Free Email: For Homeowners Going Through a Dissolution of Marriage

Let Corefact help you target specific groups of people based on life events and other circumstances. Here is a free email you can send to homeowners going through a dissolution of marriage.

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8 min. read

Maximize the Art of the Handwritten Note Card: 4 Tips

Handwritten communication is more effective than other follow up methods. Use handwritten Note Cards to reach out to prospective clients and to say thank you to vendors and clients.

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